OFFICE PHONE: 410-494-4411
FAX: 410-510-1119
EMAIL (mkomrad(at)me.com)
I just ask that they be very limited in length. You may ask me for refills on medication by email. My email can be set to provide an autoresponse when I am away, telling you that I’m unavailable and giving the name and number of the psychiatrist covering for me, in the event of emergencies or if you need refills. If you have emailed me and haven’t heard back in a couple of days, check my voicemail — which will tell you if I’m away. Or, check your junk box. DO NOT USE EMAIL FOR EMERGENCIES. I do not check it often enough. I remain available to my patients by cellphone in the case of true emergencies 443-838-5952. If you need an appointment ASAP due to a development in your life, I'll always do my best to accommodate you.
TEXTING (443-838-5952):
I ask that people limit use of texting to only the day of an appointment, if you need to let me know that you’re running late or have to cancel at the last minute. Such last minute communications about appointments are the only reasons I would would want patients to communicate by text with me. Unfortunately, unlike email, text does not have an autoreply function to tell you if I am away and unavailable. The text number is the same as my emergency cellphone 443-838-5952.
VOICEMAIL (410-494-4411):
My regular office voicemail, 410-494-4410, is always available for your messages. You can request refills on voicemail. When I am away and leave a colleague covering for me, I will give all those contact details on the message, which will also tell you when I am returning.
EMERGENCY CELL PHONE: see page on emergencies