I am available 24/7, only for ESTABLISHED patients in an emergency.
As noted in my office voicemail I am available on emergencies by cellphone
Emergency Cellphone #: 443-838-5952
I will try to call you back as soon as possible. That may not be immediately. If you cannot wait for me to call you back, and it is a life-threatening emergency, call the mental health crisis hotline 988, or go to the nearest Emergency Room. At the ER, have the doctor there try to call my Emergency Cellphone so we can discuss your case.
This information is reviewed on my voicemail: 410-494-4411
I am on the courtesy staff at Sheppard Pratt. However, I do not directly care for my patients if they are admitted to the hospital. I will however coordinate closely with the inpatient treatment team and visit a patient of mine frequently if he or she is hospitalized. Because of my extensive experience and relationship with Sheppard Pratt, I prefer my patients to be hospitalized there, if inpatient treatment is necessary. If you go to the Emergency Room and I cannot be reached, if hospitalization is necessary please ask to be admitted to Sheppard Pratt, if possible.