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Dr. Komrad’s Publications



You Need Help:   A Step-by-Step Plan to Convince Your Loved One to Get Counseling (Hazelden Press: 2012)


Komrad, M , Hanson A. “Eating disorders and physician-assisted death,” in: Westermoreland, P Ed. ,  Tipping the Scales: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Managing Severe Eating Disorders.. (American Psychiatric Association Publishing 2020)

Komrad M., "Introduction" to Dyer, A. Humanities and the Profession of Medicine.

(National Humanities Center, 1983)


Komrad,M. Letter to the Editor of The Times of London. “Assisted dying bill is being rushed.”  Feb 4, 2025

Roff, C. , Komrad M., et. al. Assisted dying laws around the world: Proposed UK Assisted Dying Bill Fails the Public Safety Test. British Medical Journal. Nov 14, 2024

Komrad, M., Glass, O. Euthanasia in Animals and Humans:  Distinctions to Consider. Psychiatric Times.   May 29, 2024.

D’Eon, M., Komrad M., Bannon, J. “Teaching suicide prevention: a Canadian medical education conundrum .”  Canadian Medical Education Journal 2024, 15(3): 1-2.

Komrad, M. Hanson, A. Geppert, C., Pies, R. “Beyond Terminal Illness:  The Widening Scope of Physician Assisted Suicide in the US. Psychiatric Times. June 6, 2024     

Komrad M, Hanson A, Geppert C, Pies R. “Did California Dodge a Right-to-Die Bullet?” Psychiatric Times. May 3, 2024.

Westmoreland, P, Geppert, C, Komrad M, et. al. “Terminal Anorexia Nervosa:  An Invalid Construct That Does not Justify Medical Aid in Dying.” Psychiatric Times, Oct 11, 2023

Komrad M. “Conscientious Objection in Medicine:Threats and Opportunities” The Maryland Psychiatrist, Dec, 2022.

Komrad M. “Commentary on Trudo Lemmens: Medical Aid in Dying in Canada, A Case Raises Questions About Its Use in Patients with Disability and Mental Illness.” International Network for the History of Neuropsychopharmacology” Dec 9, 2022.

Komrad M. “Medical Aid in Dying:  A Slippery Slope.” Psychiatric Times, Aug 27, 2021

Komrad,M. “The Meaning of Compassion.”  Psychiatric Times, Aug 5, 2021

Komrad M. Psych Debate:  “Should Psychiatrists Assist Suicide?” Psych Debates podcast. July 9, 2021

Pies, RW, Komrad, MS, Geppert, CMA, Hanson, A., “Against Assisted Suicide.” Psychiatric Times, July 8, 2021


Komrad, MS. “Are Psychiatrists Who Assist in Suicide Betraying Their Professional Values?” Psychiatric Times, Jun 15, 2021

Komrad, MS. “First Do No Harm: New Canadian Law Allows for Assisted Suicide for Patients with Psychiatric Disorders.” Psychiatric Times, June 7, 2021.

republished by the Anscombe Bioethics Center, 2022:

Komrad, M. “Medical Ethics in the Time of Covid-19”, Current Psychiatry. 19(7): 29-32, 46. July 2020

From Ethicist to Activist”. Duke Alumni Magazine, April 30, 2020.


Komrad, M. “Psychiatric Ethics and ‘The Shrink Next Door’. Podcast. Am J Psychiatry Residents Review. Jan 27, 2020

Komrad, M. “Oh Canada! Your New Law Will Provide, Not Prevent, Suicide.” Psychiatric Times, June 1,  2021

Pies R. Hanson A., Komrad M “Physician Assisted Suicide versus Involuntary Committment:  Is There a Moral Dilemma?”  Psychiatric Times, Oct 29, 2019

Geppert C, Komrad MS, Pies R., Hanson, A, et. al.  “Psychiatrists Must Prevent Suicide, Not Provide It.” Psychiatric Times, Nov 29, 2019.

Komrad MS, et. al., “Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide are Unethical Acts.” World Medical Journal 2019: 65(1): 34-36.

Reimers,K. Lapid, M. Komrad M, et. al.”Advocacy Life and Death: Geriatric Suicide and Physician Assisted Suicide.” Am J Geriatric Psychiatry. 27(3), Supplement S23-24, March 1, 2019

Komrad, M. “A Second Country Practicing Medical Euthanasia Drops a Bomb”, Psychiatric Times. Feb 12, 2019

Komrad MS, Pies RW, Hanson AL, et al. “Assessing Competency for Physician-Assisted Suicide is unethical. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(6):18lr12566.

Hanson, A., Pies, C., Komrad M.  “Added Points of Concern About Dying Patients.” AMA Journal of Ethics.  October 2018.

Komrad, M.  “Euthanasia vs. Plagiarism:A Strange International Drama,” Psychiatric Times, Oct 10, 2018

Komrad, M. “An Open Letter to the Representatives of the World Psychiatric Association” Psychiatric Times,  Oct 3, 2018

“Ethicist, Psychiatrists Should Prevent Suicide Not Provide It.” Interview with Charles Collins in Crux Magazine, Jul 24, 2018

Komrad, M. “Medical Euthanasia in Canada:  Current Issues and Potential Expansion” Psychiatric Times,June 29, 2018,

Komrad,M. “A Psychiatrist Visits Belgium:  The Epicenter of Psychiatric Euthanasia.”  Psychiatric Times, June 21, 2018

Komrad, M. “Moral Disengagement:  A Cautionary Lesson for Society and the Medical Profession.” Journal of Ethics in Mental Health. Volume 10: 2017, iii.

Komrad,M. APA Position on Medical Euthanasia.” Psychiatric Times, Feb 25, 2017

Komrad, M, “Committed: The Battle Over Involuntary Psychiatric Care,” Psychiatric Times , Jan 23, 2017

Komrad, M.  “Psychiatric Ethics and Cultural Sensitivity,” Psychiatric Times, Nov 23, 2016

Komrad M. “Alienation as a Result of Therapy.” Personality Disorders Awareness Network. Sept 30, 2015

Komrad, M. “Fiction Does a Disservice to Psychiatry.” Baltimore Sun. Oct 22, 2014

Komrad, M, “The New CPT Codes:  Ethical Challenges in a Brave New Billing Era.” Psychiatric Times, March 31, 2014

Komrad, M. “Hope Springs: A New Spring in Depicting Therapists and Treatment by Hollywood?.” Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.  2013 41(1):  152-153.

Komrad, M. “  A Dangerous Method: Ethics at the Dawn of Modern Psychiatry

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 2012 40: 299-301

Komrad, M.  “Your Patient Just Said She is Suicidal:  What do you do?,”  The Maryland Physician. August, 2012

Komrad, M. Weaver, D. “Involuntary Treatment for Cancer: An Ethical Case Discussion. The Wisconsin Psychiatrist, Spring 2010, 50(1): 7.

Komrad M.:  "A reflection on a landmark article:  20 years later:  'A Defense of Medical Paternalism" Ars Medica Revista de Humanidades,    November, 2002 

Komrad M.  "Patient Complaints of Satanic Cult Abuse.  Should we Believe them?", Psychiatric Times. April, 1992. Followup response to Letter to the Editor, "Assessing Satanic Cult Abuse", July 1992

Komrad M.  Crisis and Transformation.  Hearts and Minds, July 1991, 4.

Komrad M.  Dualism and Psychiatry.  Sheppard Pratt Review.   Spring, 1990, 3.

Komrad M.   First Person:   For psychiatrist, an outcome worse than a nightmare.  American Medical News;  3 November,  1989, 41.

Komrad M. Fedoroff, J.P. "Tricyclic-click:  A New Clinical Sign." Psychosomatics. Summer, 1990.

Komrad M. Denial of the AMA-endorsed disability insurance program owing to marriage counseling.  (Letter) Journal of the American Medical Association; 1989; 261: 1583.

Komrad M. Electroconvulsive Therapy. Part I. Maryland Medical Journal. 1988; 37:167.

Komrad M. Electroconvulsive Therapy. Part II. Maryland Medical Journal. 1988; 37; 270.

Komrad M. Emotions can take a physical toll. Senior Digest. May, 1988

Komrad M.  More on attachment behavior:  T'was the night before changeover.(Letter) Journal of the American Medical Association; 1986; 256: 3348.

Komrad M., Coffey E,, et. al.  Myocardial infarction and stroke. Neurology 1984; 34: 1403-1409.

Komrad M. A  defense of medical paternalism: Maximizing patients' autonomy. Journal of Medical Ethics  1983; 9(1): 38-44

This publication became a "landmark article" in the field on the subject and has been reprinted in numerous textbooks and journals, and cited extensively in dissertations and the literature of medical ethics over the last 40 years.  

Komrad M., "Introduction" to Dyer, A. Humanities and the Profession of Medicine. Durham, NC: National Humanities Center, 1983.

Saltz J., Komrad M., et. al. A computerized consultation system on Alzheimer's Disease. Proceedings of the American Association for Medical Systems Informatics.  Baltimore, 1983.

Davis R., Komrad M., et. al.  Clinical efficacy and safety of chronic spinal stimulation used in multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases.  Advances in the External Control of Human Extremities.  (Dubrovnick:  Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the External Control of Human Extremities, 1978), 556-568.


Numerous Op-Ed pieces about psychiatric and psychiatric ethics in New York Times, Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, et. al.