Dr. Komrad’s



Public Appearances

Dr. Komrad is available for lectures, workshops, and keynotes to discuss the ideas in his book, and many other topics in psychiatry, including his very popular “Ask the Doctor” forums.  Like the “open phones” on his radio show, he’ll field any and all questions about psychiatric conditions, treatments, how to convince people to get into and stay in treatment, and how to navigate the mental health system.  This forum has  been called, by the National Alliance on Mental Illness,  “everything you’ve ever wanted to ask a psychiatrist. . . but didn’t have enough time or opportunity.”


Dr. Komrad spoke to over 100 physicians in the UK on  "The Emergence of Assisted Suicide in the U.S.: Problems, Flaws,and Misadventures" on Zoom for OUR DUTY OF CARE in the U.K. on March 11 2025

Dr. Komrad spoke at Grand Rounds for the Department of Psychiatry at Rush University Medical CenteL about "Assisted Sicide and Euthanasia for People with Mental Illness:  A Developing Ethial Crisis."  Chicago, Sept 26, 2024

Dr. Komrad gave a lecture:  “Vulnerable Ethics:  The Tuskegee Syphilis Study--What Were We Thinking?” to the Southern Psychiatric Association in Chattanooga, TN Sept 13, 2024

Dr. Komrad  discussed the movie, “Inherit the Wind” at the Southern Psychiatric Association Meetings in Chattanooga, TN Sept 13, 2024

Dr. Komrad  engaged in a counter-point lecture and discussion about Physician Assisted Suicide for Psychiatric Patients at The Center for Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry at SUNY Syracuse, NY, Aug 29, 2024

Dr. Komrad  taught Psychiatric Ethics in the Department of Psychiatry, Tulane, New Orleans  Feb 27, 2024

Dr. Komrad  gave Grand Rounds to the Department of Psychiatry at Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans on  “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients”  Feb 19, 2024

Dr. Komrad gave a talk to the International Doctors Say No organization on "Euthanasia and assisted suicide for psychiatric patients: Ethical concerns arising from the experiences of Europe,  Canada, and the US." Nov 17, 2023

Dr. Komrad  conducted a workshop online for NAMI Maryland’s 40th annual conference: “Ask the Doctor:  Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask a Psychiatrist But Never Had the Time” Oct 15, 2023, 11am

Dr. Komrad consulted and testified to the Irish Parliament on the experience in the U.S. with assisted suicide, as Ireland contents with whether it should legalize these procedures. on Oct 3, 2023

Dr. Komrad  gave Grand Rounds to the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: A developing Canadian Crisis” on Friday November 11,2022 at Noon.

Dr. Komrad spoke to the Department of Psychiatry at SUNY Buffalo Medical School on   “The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics Movement and the Nazi Holocaust, September 7, 2022

Dr. Komrad had discussion with the students in the Bioethics Program in the Ethics Institute at the Kent Place School regarding Ethical Issues Surrounding Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia on November 2, 2021

Dr. Komrad gave an open “Ask the Doctor” forum for NAMI Mercer County at their annual Harvest of Hope Conference, online on October 28 , 2021

Dr. Komrad gave an open “Ask the Doctor” forum for NAMI Maryland at their annual conference online on October 16, 2021

Dr. Komrad spoke for the journal Psychiatric Times on concerns about the new law in Canada that will permit euthanasia for psychiatric patients, and how these practices by psychiatrists may be a betrayal of professional values. June 15, 2021

Dr. Komrad gave The Lurie Family Endowed Lecture in Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati on:  “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthansia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: An Emerging Ethical Crisis.” March 17, 2021 at 12p EST.

Dr. Komrad spoke to a forum held by the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition in Canada on Nov 19, 2020  at 7pm on “Psychiatrists Should Not Participate in Euthanasia.”

Dr. Komrad lectured  at Yale Medical School, Program for Biomedical Ethics   on “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill: A Developing Ethical Crisis,” New Haven, CT, Feb 28, 2020

Dr. Komrad spoke on panel discussing the issue of physician assisted suicide and euthanasia in the context of eating disorders at the meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Baltimore MD, Oct 24, 2019

Dr. Komrad spoke at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry in Brooklyn, NY  on “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill: A Developing Ethical Crisis,” Sept 25, 2019

Dr. Komrad spoke at annual meeting of the Southern Psychiatric Association on “Conscientious Objection in Medicine” in Louisville, KY August 24, 2019

Dr. Komrad lectured at the International Course in Advanced Palliative Care at the University of San Paolo, Brazil, on “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill: A Developing Ethical Crisis,” and “The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics Movement and the Nazi Holocaust,   Aug 9-10, 2019

Dr. Komrad had a 1 on 1 debate: “Assisted Suicided or Assisted Dying”, taking the position AGAINST physician assisted suicide  at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention and , at the San Francisco Convention Center , Monday May 20, 2019

Dr. Komrad lectured at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm on  “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill:  A Developing Ethical Crisis” On Feb 12, 2019

Dr. Komrad lectured at the University of Oslo on “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill:  A Developing Ethical Crisis” ON Feb 11, 2019

Dr. Komrad addressed members of the Parliament of Norway in Oslo  on Feb 11, 2019 and members of the Parliament of Sweden in Stockholm Feb 12 and, 2019 on the issue of “Assisted Suicide in Oregon and Canada: Turning Good Medical Ethics Into Bad Public Policy"


Dr. Komrad gaved the keynote talk, “How to Convince a Loved One to Get Psychiatric Treatment: The Tough First Step” at the NAMI Anne Arundel County Gala

Annapolis, May 18, 2024

Dr. Komrad engaged in a discussion and debate with the Robert Wood Johnson Fellows Alumni about Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, July 10, 2024

Dr. Komrad gave a public lecturre with the "Profs and Pints" program in Washington D.C. on "Assisted Suicide for Mentasl Illness." Jun 17, 2024

Dr. Komrad  lectured to the joint conference of the Louisiana and Mississippi Psychiatric Associations on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients  in Baton Rouge, LA, March 2,

Dr. Komrad  gave Grand Rounds to the Department of Psychiatry at Northeast Georgia Medical Center  on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients. April 18, 2024

Dr. Komrad  gave Grand Rounds to the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Hawaiii on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients. Jan 19, 2024

Dr. Komrad spoke to the Department of Psychiatry at SUNY Buffalo Medical School on   “Conscientious Objection in Healthcare: The role of individual and professional values in medical ethics.” Nov 14, 2023

Dr. Komrad  gave Grand Rounds to the Institute of Living at Harford Healthcare,  on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: A developing Canadian Crisis” on June 1, 2023

Dr. Komrad held two open “Ask the Doctor” forums at the NAMI Princeton (Mercer County) annual “Harvest of Hope” conference.on October 1, 2022

Dr. Komrad spoke to the The Ontario Psychiatric Association on    “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthansia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: A developing Canadian Crisis” on April 21, 2022

The Center for Medical Ethics at Columbia had Dr. Komrad speaking on "Vulnerable Ethics: The Role of Lead Psychiatrists in the US Eugenics and Forced Sterilization Movement and the Nazi Holocaust." November 15, 2022

Dr. Komrad gave a lecture at Columbia University , Department of Psychiatry on November 15 2022, : "Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients:  An Emerging Ethical Crisis."

Dr. Komrad spoke to the Department of Psychiatry at SUNY Buffalo Medical School on   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthansia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: An Emerging Ethical Crisis.” on September 9, 2021 

Dr. Komrad spoke to the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Medicine on June 22, 2021 about critical ethical lessons to be learned from the development of euthanasia for people with psychiatric disorders in Benelux and recently

Dr. Komrad spoke to the HealthOne Department of Psychiatry at the Rocky Vista University in Denver on:   “Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia of Non-Terminal Psychiatric Patients: An Emerging Ethical Crisis.” Feb 4, 2021

Dr. Komrad  lectured  on “Whose Information Is It Anyway:  Ethical Issues on Patients’ Access to Electronic Health Records” to the Tulane Department of Psychiatry, March 12, 2020, New Orleans, LA

Dr. Komrad gave grand rounds at Yale department of Psychiatry  on  The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics Movement and the Nazi Holocaust, New Haven CT, Feb 27, 2020

Dr. Komrad provided an open “Ask the Doctor” forum, “Everything you’ve ever wanted to ask a psychiatrist, but didn’t have time” for Princeton Mercer “Harvest of Hope” conference (NAMI)  October 5, 2019, Princeton NJ.

Dr. Komrad lectured at the annual “Residents Day” at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine on “Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill: A Developing Ethical Crisis,” and “The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics Movement and the Nazi Holocaust,  Aug 15, 2019

Dr. Komrad chaired the Presidential Symposium:  “Psychiatry’s Dark Secrets:  Dark Shadows Along the Illuminated Path of American Psychiatry”  at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Convention and giving a talk on “The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics and Forced Sterilization Movement”, at the San Francisco Convention Center , Tues May 21, 2019

Dr. Komrad, gave two lectures :“Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill:  A Developing Ethical Crisis” and “Vulnerable Ethics: The Role of Leading Psychiatrists in the U.S. Eugenics and Sterilization Movement and the Nazi Holocaust.”  at the  University of Massachusetts Department of Psychiatry, Worcester, MA April 4, 2019

Dr. Komrad,  spoke about :“Euthanasia for the Non-Terminal Mentally Ill:  A Developing Ethical Crisis”  to the Florida Psychiatric Society on March 29, 2019

Dr. Komrad spoke on  physician assisted suicide and medical euthanasia for the elderly at the Annual meeting of the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry in Atlanta on March 3, 2019


Dr. Komrad give a public lecture in BALTIMORE about "Assisted Suicide and Medical Euthanasia for People with Mental Illness:  An Ethical Crisis" . The lecture is open to the public, as part of the PROFS AND PINTS program in Baltimore on April 6, 2025. Tickets here.

Dr. Komrad will give a workshop "The Fundamentals of Ethics in Mental Health Care" for the Baltimore Psychological Association on May 18, 2025 at 2p

Dr. Komrad will speak about "Ethical Challenges of Physician Assisted Suicide" for psychiatrists at The Academy of Consultation-Liason Psychiatry in San Antonio, TX on Nov 22, 2025